Monday, December 5, 2016

My Thoughts about Biology Honors on 12-5-2016

     On December 5, 2016, our Biology Honors class played a game of Kahoot.  After an intense 10 questions, we ended in second place, placing us one spot away from the winning team who got extra credit.  Afterwards, we had a nice long talk about food that people eat followed by a talk about the Krebs Cycle, also known as the Citric Acid cycle where we went into depth about the different reactions that occur.   I feel like I have learned a great deal about Krebs cycle and it feels satisfying knowing that this process isn't as hard as it sounds.  Tomorrow was supposed to be the big day, the chapter 5 exam, but it was moved until Friday.  To be honest, I feel relieved to have more time to study.

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