Saturday, April 22, 2017

March For Science

March for Science

April 22, 2017, marks yet another Earth Day in the years.  However, this time, I was doing something different.  We were paying a visit to March for Science, a special festival that takes place on Earth Day to commemorate the wonders of science.  There were signs everywhere, reminding people that science matters to our world.  A huge mass of people listened to well-known speakers talk about their intellect and opinions on knowledge.  People were encouraging one another to believe that science is real.  They say that science is not fake and global warming is a real threat that is facing the earth.  We are told to protect our environment.  This is what we, as humans, are encouraged to do to save our planet.  If you have time, plant a tree or some flowers. Stop using up resources.  We all should have a common goal: we must save our common home.  Alert the ignorant, so that we can all make a change.  Happy Earth Day!