Friday, March 31, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Meiosis Stop Motion Video

Meiosis Stop Motion Video

For one of our Biology assignments we were told to create a stop motion video depicting meiosis.  To keep things creative, we used belts as the inner and outer membrane.  The chromosomes were the beads from a jump rope.  Due to our lack of experience in video editing, our video was difficult to create, but we managed to complete it.  You can find a link to the video here.

The function of meiosis is to allow a cell split into 4 more.  They crossover their chromosomes and split.  Genetic variation can occur through meiosis in the crossing over and rearrangement of chromosomes as well as possibly a mutation.  Non-disjunction can be caused when homologous chromosomes fail to separate which can lead to syndromes.  Pandas have probably been a close relative of bears, but somewhere within the evolution lines, non-disjunction may have occurred.  Instead of having all the chromosomes received, they may have failed to separate due to non-disjunction, which may have led to only half of those chromosomes.  From this project, I have learned the multiple stages of meiosis.  But more importantly, I have learned that science can be quite fun to recreate using everyday items.